I was thrilled to discover that the Easter candy season is upon us when I went to the grocery store this weekend. Well sort of. I'm actually quite well known for my hatred of Peeps, so I wasn't so thrilled to see those. One time, I sort of yelled, "I HATE those damn Peeps" when I saw them in a Target in Ames, Iowa. An over-reaction, perhaps, but from that quote was born quite a Peep tradition in my life. Or anti-peep tradition. My extended family passes around a gag-gift of a package of peeps to one family member each Christmas. The recipient has to keep the Peeps and pass them on next year, with a poem explaining what Peep-worthy thing the new recipient has done. That same pack of Peeps has been circulating through my family since, oh, about 2000 I think. The Peeps appear to be pretty much in the same condition as they were 8 years ago. We even have a Peep family journal/photo album (titled "I hate those damn Peeps") to document the Peep's travel.
Another friend signed me up for the Peeps On-line Fan Club. I have to admit that was a pretty good one -- I laughed out loud when I got my welcome email.
But I digress, because this post is not about Easter candy I hate, but rather Easter candy that I L-O-V-E. In my opinion, dark chocoate is the only way to go, and there are two candies not to be missed this time of year.

I've already filled my office candy dish with a bag of these. I expect the whole bag to last about 2 days. Maybe a day and a half. Especially since my boss discovered them today. He had to take one of each color, just to verify that the color of the candy coating didn't affect the flavor. Naturally, I thanked him for this important research.

I've got a bag of these Dove dark chocolate eggs waiting in reserve when the Cadbury batch runs out. I regularly stock the Dove "promises" dark squares in my candy dish. The egg shape is a great seasonal diversion.
In short, Peeps=bad, dark chocolate eggs=AWESOME. I, for one, will be thoroughly enjoying the next month of Easter eggs of the non-poultry variety.
UPDATE: For no obvious reason, my brother and his wife just brought us a package of milk chocolate Cadbury mini eggs. They are also outstanding.
Another friend signed me up for the Peeps On-line Fan Club. I have to admit that was a pretty good one -- I laughed out loud when I got my welcome email.
But I digress, because this post is not about Easter candy I hate, but rather Easter candy that I L-O-V-E. In my opinion, dark chocoate is the only way to go, and there are two candies not to be missed this time of year.

I've already filled my office candy dish with a bag of these. I expect the whole bag to last about 2 days. Maybe a day and a half. Especially since my boss discovered them today. He had to take one of each color, just to verify that the color of the candy coating didn't affect the flavor. Naturally, I thanked him for this important research.

I've got a bag of these Dove dark chocolate eggs waiting in reserve when the Cadbury batch runs out. I regularly stock the Dove "promises" dark squares in my candy dish. The egg shape is a great seasonal diversion.
In short, Peeps=bad, dark chocolate eggs=AWESOME. I, for one, will be thoroughly enjoying the next month of Easter eggs of the non-poultry variety.
UPDATE: For no obvious reason, my brother and his wife just brought us a package of milk chocolate Cadbury mini eggs. They are also outstanding.