
Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I was thrilled to discover that the Easter candy season is upon us when I went to the grocery store this weekend. Well sort of. I'm actually quite well known for my hatred of Peeps, so I wasn't so thrilled to see those. One time, I sort of yelled, "I HATE those damn Peeps" when I saw them in a Target in Ames, Iowa. An over-reaction, perhaps, but from that quote was born quite a Peep tradition in my life. Or anti-peep tradition. My extended family passes around a gag-gift of a package of peeps to one family member each Christmas. The recipient has to keep the Peeps and pass them on next year, with a poem explaining what Peep-worthy thing the new recipient has done. That same pack of Peeps has been circulating through my family since, oh, about 2000 I think. The Peeps appear to be pretty much in the same condition as they were 8 years ago. We even have a Peep family journal/photo album (titled "I hate those damn Peeps") to document the Peep's travel.

Another friend signed me up for the Peeps On-line Fan Club. I have to admit that was a pretty good one -- I laughed out loud when I got my welcome email.

But I digress, because this post is not about Easter candy I hate, but rather Easter candy that I L-O-V-E. In my opinion, dark chocoate is the only way to go, and there are two candies not to be missed this time of year.

I've already filled my office candy dish with a bag of these. I expect the whole bag to last about 2 days. Maybe a day and a half. Especially since my boss discovered them today. He had to take one of each color, just to verify that the color of the candy coating didn't affect the flavor. Naturally, I thanked him for this important research.

I've got a bag of these Dove dark chocolate eggs waiting in reserve when the Cadbury batch runs out. I regularly stock the Dove "promises" dark squares in my candy dish. The egg shape is a great seasonal diversion.

In short, Peeps=bad, dark chocolate eggs=AWESOME. I, for one, will be thoroughly enjoying the next month of Easter eggs of the non-poultry variety.

UPDATE: For no obvious reason, my brother and his wife just brought us a package of milk chocolate Cadbury mini eggs. They are also outstanding.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sounds likea good idea, but...

In the last year or so, I've really become aware that my brain just doesn't work as well as it used to. I mean, not that it's ever been the highest functioning brain in the world, but still. Until relatively recently, I didn't do a lot of forgetting. Never been a "list" person. Just sort of made my way in the world by taking things in, filing them away in my brain, and recalling them as necessary.

Not so much anymore.

Nowadays, it seems like I forgot a lot. I've been thinking about it though, and I'm not sure if I'm forgetting things, or just failing to notice them in the first place. Without a doubt, life in 2008 throws too much at us at once. The constant barrage of information, images, disinformation, interactions, you name's really hard to get away from it all, and I suppose it's no wonder life all becomes a little much to keep track of.

Still, I'm not entirely comfortable with this new me. The me who needs to make lists. The me who gets half way to the gym before I notice I'm holding my ipod and my slippers, instead of my ipod and the tennis shoes I meant to pick up on the way out the door. The me who hasn't left a book club meeting in months without leaving something behind. The me who loses my car in the parking ramp at least twice a week.

My friend Maureen says I just need to focus. Sounds like a good idea, but... how?