Happy Holidays
One of my (many) favorite things about the holidays is cookie exchanges. This year, for the first time, we tried a small cookie exchange with my book club.
There are 5 people in my book club (counting me), and all but one of us had a cookie fiasco related to this exchange. Only Marta and her pizzelles were unscathed. Emily made snickerdoodles, which you may know go into the oven as round balls rolled in sugar and cinnamon. At one point, Em's cookies rolled right off her cookie sheet into the bottom of her hot oven, where they immediately started burning into a gooey mess (and also set off her smoke alarm).
Similarly, Renee got distracted by baby Lorenzo while baking her fig cookies, and forgot to set the oven timer. That batch was scorched beyond edibility (even though her husband encouraged her to just hide them at the bottom of the cookie pile).
And speaking of burns, I ended up with a 3rd degree beauty on my middle finger when I dragged it through a 300 degree batch of toffee while spreading the chocolate on top. Because adding the chocolate is a delicate and time-sensitive activity -- too soon and the chocolate melts into the toffee, too late and it won't stick to the toffee -- I had to just power though and address the burn later. Ice and lots of aloe vera gel were involved.
But funniest of all was Andi's cookie exchange misunderstanding. Since it was our first cookie exchange, Marta suggested we do 3 dozen cookies, just to keep things manageable. Well, Andi thought this meant 3 dozen cookies for EACH of us, not 3 dozen total. So she made 12 dozen cookies! Not exactly manageable. I still can't stop laughing about this! This is exactly the kind of thing that would happen to Andi. Adding to the great humor of this situation was Andi's cookie offering -- one of her now-famous "gimmick" cookies. This time, it was "bacon and eggs." Here's a picture:

Aren't bacon and eggs cookies the greatest? Two pretzel sticks with a dab of white almond bark and a yellow m&m. Andi also made some "green eggs and ham" with green m&m centers because, well, when you're making 144 of these, there are only so many yellow m&m's you can pick out of bags...
Anyway, even with our many and various cookie calamities, we all agreed that book club holiday cookie exchange was a total success, and will henceforth be an annual event.

If I knew how to caption a photo, this one would be marked "2007 Book Club Cookie Selections."
There are 5 people in my book club (counting me), and all but one of us had a cookie fiasco related to this exchange. Only Marta and her pizzelles were unscathed. Emily made snickerdoodles, which you may know go into the oven as round balls rolled in sugar and cinnamon. At one point, Em's cookies rolled right off her cookie sheet into the bottom of her hot oven, where they immediately started burning into a gooey mess (and also set off her smoke alarm).
Similarly, Renee got distracted by baby Lorenzo while baking her fig cookies, and forgot to set the oven timer. That batch was scorched beyond edibility (even though her husband encouraged her to just hide them at the bottom of the cookie pile).
And speaking of burns, I ended up with a 3rd degree beauty on my middle finger when I dragged it through a 300 degree batch of toffee while spreading the chocolate on top. Because adding the chocolate is a delicate and time-sensitive activity -- too soon and the chocolate melts into the toffee, too late and it won't stick to the toffee -- I had to just power though and address the burn later. Ice and lots of aloe vera gel were involved.
But funniest of all was Andi's cookie exchange misunderstanding. Since it was our first cookie exchange, Marta suggested we do 3 dozen cookies, just to keep things manageable. Well, Andi thought this meant 3 dozen cookies for EACH of us, not 3 dozen total. So she made 12 dozen cookies! Not exactly manageable. I still can't stop laughing about this! This is exactly the kind of thing that would happen to Andi. Adding to the great humor of this situation was Andi's cookie offering -- one of her now-famous "gimmick" cookies. This time, it was "bacon and eggs." Here's a picture:

Aren't bacon and eggs cookies the greatest? Two pretzel sticks with a dab of white almond bark and a yellow m&m. Andi also made some "green eggs and ham" with green m&m centers because, well, when you're making 144 of these, there are only so many yellow m&m's you can pick out of bags...
Anyway, even with our many and various cookie calamities, we all agreed that book club holiday cookie exchange was a total success, and will henceforth be an annual event.

If I knew how to caption a photo, this one would be marked "2007 Book Club Cookie Selections."